Complete Guide to Starting Tummo Breathing


Breathing exercises are ancient practices and have been used by many people not only as a part of their religious activities but also to heal both the mind and the body. In the modern world,...

Sinus Bradycardia - What You Must Know

Dr. Ahmed Zayad

For some people, getting quality sleep is a struggle because they experience symptoms and discomfort like when their heart beats fast at night can’t sleep. Others deal with the opposite issue where their heart rate...

A Comprehensive Guide to Hypopnea


Sleep is an important part of life, as it allows your body to recover, consolidate memories, and prepare for the day. Unfortunately, some conditions affect your ability to get a good night’s sleep. One of...

A Comprehensive Guide to Egg Yolk for Hair Care

Dr. Ahmed Zayad

Introduction While good hair days seem like you can conquer the world, bad hair days can affect your self-esteem. Being healthy should include having healthy hair. You might not be aware, but there are practical...